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Tools of the trade

Things I can't be without while sewing:


SHARP tailor's shears, and a pair of good thread scissors. These are just vital. Buy! No, that dull old pair you found deep in a drawer IS NOT good enough. You just have to try one snip with a proper pair to realize this... So: Buy.

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The quilters ruler. It took me months to realize what this was for. When I finally DID understand. Wow! Just love it, couldn't be without it. I never use the other rulers I got before this one, anymore. Since it has guide lines all over, in both directions, you instantly get perfect references that you're dead on paralell, have a perfect angle and so on. They come in both cm and inch.


A roller knife and cutting mat are awesome for cutting exact strips, or when cutting fraying fabric. I most often use my KAI shears though, but when I remember these guys they are awesome for the right purpose. Perfect companions to the quilters ruler.


A good seam ripper, this one has a rubber thingy that allows you to wipe away thread pieces! Yay!

Tweezers, great for holding on to that last tricky fabric corner at the presser foot, making sure it doesn't slip and ruin the seam in the last inch. Ggrrr..


A seam gauge, excellent when making hems, markings and such. It acts as a perfect guide. You can also pin it to your irongnig board and draw exact curves or circles.



Pin cushion for your wrist! Oh, how I love it! I wasn't very good at sewing when I made this one.. I should make a prettier one... Soon.


What are YOUR favorites in the sewing room?


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